Thursday, November 19, 2009
Moist Chocolate Cake
This cake is based on the American Chocolate Cake,made popular in the Klang Valley by the La'Manila cake house in the 80's
Chocolate Cake
330 ml fresh milk / water
60 gm cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp instant coffee powder
180 gm butter - softened
340 gm caster sugar
3 nos eggs
190 gm superfine flour - sifted
1 tsp baking soda - sifted
2 tsp baking powder - sifted
Chocolate Icing
750 ml milk ( fresh )
500 ml condensed milk
2 tbsp instant coffee powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
85 gm cocoa powder - sifted
4 1/2 tbsp all purpose flour - sifted
1 1/2 tbsp corn flour - sifted
3 tbsp cold butter
To prepare cake:
1. Preheat oven to 180 . Line two 23 cm ( 9" ) round cake with parchment paper.
2. In a bowl, combine milk, cocoa powder, vanilla and coffee. Mix and set aside.
3. Add sifted mixture alternately with the liquid mixture, beginning and ending with flour. Beat
until smooth, scraping down the sides of the bowl.
4. Divide batter equally among the prepared pans.
5. Bake for 18 - 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cool completely in the pan.
To prepare chocolate icing :
1. In a heavy - based saucepan, place all the ingredients except the butter.
2. Cook over medium heat, whisking continuously until smooth and thick.
3. Add butter; stir to combine. Remove from heat and set aside to cool completely.
4. Transfer to an electric mixer and beat on medium speed until smooth, or reaches a spreading
To Spread Icing :
1. Remove the cake from the pan. Slice into two even layers. Spread a layer of cake evenly with
half the chocolate icing; top with the remaining chocolate icing.
2. Spread top and sides of cake with remaining chocolate icing. use a cake comb or fork to form a
decorative pattern
- Arlene Diego
Teaches cake baking, filipino cuisine in Damansara Jaya.
Chocolate Banana Cake
This tall and moist cake is available at West 57th Cafe by Zang Toi, the New - York based Malaysian Fashion Designer. The location of his cafe in Kuala Lumpur are at Parkson pavillion and Lot 10.
250 gm butter
300 gm caster sugar
200 gm self raising flour - sifted
4 nos eggs
100 gm cocoa powder - sifted
1 tbsp baking powder - sifted
1/2 tbsp baking soda - sifted
250 ml warm local black coffee
Chocolate Sauce
250 ml whipping cream
125 gm icing sugar
250 gm dark chocolate - chopped
2 tbsp butter
3 - 4 banana, - halved
To Prepare cake:
1. Preheat oven to 180 C.
2. Grease a 8" square cake tin and set aside.
3. In a stand mixer, cream butter and sugar. Gradually add the eggs one at a time, beating well
after each addition so that the mixture does not curdle.
4. Add sifted ingredients and warm coffee, alternate in small quantities, mixing thoroughly. Pour
into cake tin.
5. Bake 45 minutes. Remove from oven and let it cool.
To prepare chocolate sauce:
1. Combine the whipping cream, icing sugar, chocolate and butter in a small sauce pan.
2. Stir over low heat until thick and smooth.
3. Remove from heat, cover and keep warm.
To assemble and serve cake:
1. Cut the cake into half vertically.
2. Cut the 2 halves horizontally to form four long layers. Place one layer of cake on a cake board.
Spread evenly with chocolate sauce and top with bananas.
3. Spread chocolate sauce on the last layer of cake.
4. Keep chilled and slice to serve.
- West 57th Cafe' by Zang Toi.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Cornflakes Cookies
125gms softened good quality butter
1/3 cup castor sugar (Try not to reduce the proportion of sugar too much)
1 large egg
2/3 cup sultanas ( optional )
1 cup self raising flour (sifted)
2-3 cups lightly crushed cornflakes (tip: use a plastic ziplock bag)
Cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer till fluffy and well combined. Add egg, beat well. Fold in flour and sultanas. Spoon a tablespoon of cookie batter into crushed cornflakes and turn to coat. Form fairly into a sphere shape and place on nonstick cookie tray. Repeat with the rest of the batter and place cookies 2-3 cm's apart to allow for spreading. Bake in preheated 150 degree oven for 15-18 minutes. Surface should be golden and crisp. Allow to cool on cookie rack before storing in airtight container.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
8 large eggs
1 pound mascarpone cheese ( 454 gm )
4 ounces cookies ( 113 gm )
3 cups espresso ( mix with hot water ) , cooled
42 ladies finger biscuits ( or sponge cake )
1 cup heavy cream
Method :
1. In a large bowl, whisk together yolks and mascarpone until smooth. Add 1 cup sugar; whisk
until dissolve. Set aside.
2. Place cookies in bowl of a food processor; pulse for coarse crumbs. fold biscotti into
mascarpone mixture and set aside.
3. Arrange biscuit which had been deep into espresso mixture. In a mould and pour in the batter.
4. arrange layer by layer.
5. chill at least 4 hours.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Opera cake
( saya dah cuba kek ni... sedap dan indulgence )
Bahan A :
15 btr kuning telur
5 btr telur utuh
200 gr gula kastor
125 gr tepung terigu
20 gr tepung maizena
15 gr emulsifier
250 gr almond bubuk
Bahan B :
90 gr mentega
90 gr margarine
1 sdm rhum (optional)
1 sdm susu kental manis
Bahan C :
500 ml air, panas
40 gr coklat bubuk
20 gr kopi bubuk
100 gr gula pasir
3 sdm rhum (optional)
Bahan D :
Satu resep Chocolate Ganache ( lihat resep )
Cara membuatnya :
- Bahan B: lelehkan mentega dan margarine, tuang susu kental manis aduk rata. Sisihkan.
- Adonan C: dicampur menjadi satu, aduk hingga gula larut. Sisihkan.
- Bahan A: kocok gula dan telur hingga kental dan mengembang, campur tepung terigu & Maizena, ayakkan diatas adonan telur lalu taburkan juga almond bubuk, aduk rata, masukkan bahan B aduk rata kembali, tuang dalam 3 loyang ukuran 30x30cm, oven hingga matang, sisihkan.
- Penyelesaian:
Lepaskan cake dari loyang, basahi dengan bahan C.
Susun cake diatas alas lapisi dengan bahan D, ratakan. Tumpukkan lapisan selanjutnya, oles lagi dengan bahan D. Tumpukkan lagi satu cake diatasnya, lalu oles lagi dengan bahan D, licinkan, hias sesuai selera.
Bahan :
500 gr dark cooking chocolate
200 gr whipped cream
30 gr butter
Cara membuatnya:
- Panaskan whipped cream, angkat, masukkan dark cooking chocolate yg sudah dipotong-potong, dan butter, aduk hingga leleh.
- Dinginkan dalam lemari es hingga semalaman, keluarkan, lalu diamkan hingga suhu ruang. Kocok hingga lembut dan ringan.
Donat Kentang
:: Penulis : Fatmah Bahalwan
500 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi (tepung gandum)
50 gr susu bubuk (serbuk)
11 gr ragi instant
200 gr kentang, kukus, haluskan dan dinginkan
100 gr gula psir
75 gr mentega
½ sdt garam
4 btr kuning telur
100 ml air dingin
Cara membuatnya:
Dalam wadah, campur tepung terigu, gula, susu bubuk, ragi instant, aduk rata, masukkan kentang halus ,tuang telur dan air dingin, uleni hingga rata dan setengah kalis.
Beri mentega dan garam, uleni terus hingga kalis elastis. Istirahatkan 15 menit.
Bagi adonan, masing-masing 50 gr, bulatkan. Diamkan 20 menit, hingga mengembang.
Lubangi tengahnya, menjadi bentuk donat, segera goreng sampai kuning kecoklatan.
Angkat, tiriskan. Taburi gula donat, atau hias dengan coklat.
Sukses Membuat Donat Kentang
:: Penulis : Fatmah Bahalwan
Membuat donat sesungguhnya sangat mengasyikkan! Asalkan kita memberi perhatian khusus pada beberapa hal, Insya Allah, donat akan bundar cantik, dan lezaaat....
Siapkan semua bahan terlebih dahulu tanpa ada yg boleh ketinggalan satupun, meski garam sekalipun.
Ingat aturan bikin roti, ragi gak boleh ketemu garam dan atau mentega ya. Nanti raginya mati, gak mau mengembangkan adonan. Garam dan mentega masuknya setelah adonan setengah kalis.
Haluskan kentang sampai benar-benar halus, kalau perlu pake blender, supaya adonan bisa licin dan gak gradakan :)
Setelah Halus Dinginkan kentang sebelum dibuat Donat. Terus kalau tidak dalam keadaan dingiiiinnn...waaa.., raginya langsung mati jeh.
Buat adonan hingga kalis elastis, ikuti step by step pada resep, hingga ketika dibulatkan permukaannya halus licin. Bulatan yang halus dan licin akan membentuk donat yang bulat cantik ketika digoreng/merekah.
Istirahatkan adonan lk. 20 s/d 30 menit (tergantung cuaca), tutup dengan plastik spy permukaannya tidak kering.
Lubangi bagian tengahnya, goreng dengan panas sedang (supaya donat matang sempurna sampai kebagian dalam).
Menggunakan sumpit, buat gerakan memutar pada lubang donat ketika donat mulai digoreng dan merekah, agar bentuknya membundar cantik. Gerakan memutar (sentrifugal) akan membantu terbentuknya donat yang bundar.
Bila salah satu sisi sudah kuning kecoklatan, segera balik, teruskan menggoreng sampai kedua sisi coklat. Angkat. Tiriskan.(fb)
My Own Version White Chocolate Macadamia
* resepi ini telah diolah oleh saya daripada resepi Kek cheese Kak Nikmah ( Beaufort ) - terima kasih kak nikmah
Bahan A :
2 1/2 cawan Tepung Optima
3 Biji Telur ( gred B )
2 sudu makan Minyak jagung
2 sudu nasi Susu cair
Bahan B :
Cream Cheese ( Philidelphia )
susu Manis
Cheddar Cheese ( Kraft ) - diparut
Macadamia nut ( panggang ) - dicincang
White Chocolate ( dicairkan )
1. Pukul telur hingga gebu ( putih )
2. Masukkan tepung bersama 2 sudu makan minyak dan 2 sudu senduk nasi susu cair.
3. Bila sebati, masukkan kedalam loyang dan boleh dibakar atau di kukus.
Frostings :
1. Putar cream cheese dengan susu manis hingga sebati. Dan masukkan white chocolate yang telah dicairkan.
Hiasan :
1. Keju cheddar diparut dan ditaburkan diatas kek yang telah disapu cream cheese
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